Realtime 'Active Session History' information of Oracle Databases

Whats more interesting than applying what we learn in real-time scenarios. This article is inspired by an interesting article I read a few days ago (URL shown below). Rather than using the reporting tool mentioned by the author, we will use Python's rich plotting libraries to create an interactive graph.

Steps we performed:
  • Connect to Oracle Database using cx_Oracle library. Make sure to perform exception handling.
  • Execute a SELECT statement to fetch the ASH information into a Pandas DataFrame, in our case ash_graph_copy or whatever, i was experimenting a lot and was lazy enough to let variable name be intact. 
  • Use the pivot_table method to create the pivot_table with SAMPLE_TIME column as the Index. 
    • This is purely to make the graphing easier. 
  • Use the iplot() to create the graph. 
  • Voila! Grab a pastry and have fun.
